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Outdoor Adventure Apps

While Waxhead sunscreens can help you thrive in the sun without worrying about sunburn and toxic chemicals, helpful outdoor adventure apps can help your family focus on making uncommon memories instead of sweating the details of being outdoors. And with these great outdoor adventure apps for your phone, planning and enjoying your next adventure is literally at your fingertips.

It’s never been easier to plan a family trip, enjoy the outdoors, and stay safe. Many of these free outdoor adventure apps are available for both iOS and Android devices.


PRO TIP Fully CHARGE your devices before you head away from a power source, so you can actually use all these cool outdoor tools as long as you need them.


1. Oh Ranger

Looking for places to explore? Find nearby activities easily with Oh Ranger, the app that puts dozens of destinations and adventures at your fingertips.

Download > Apple or Android


2. REI Guide to National Parks

Search through national park guides in the REI Guide to National Parks app. With built-in trail maps and must-see sites, this is a perfect tool for planning and enjoying your next national park visit.

Download > Apple or Android


3. AllTrails

AllTrails helps you find thousands of hiking, biking and running trails. It’s a great source of info, plus you can track your hike, check different maps, and post photos. It’s also easy to report issues to the highly responsive app dev team.

Download > Apple or Android


4. Packing List

Packing List by Mariano Rezk is the best checklist packing app we’ve found, and the developer is actively engaged to make ongoing improvements. And when you’re making your list, don’t forget to include elite health sunscreen and snacks loaded with antioxidants so you can thrive in the sun on your trip.

Download > Apple


5. Geocaching

Geocaching is one of those rare tech things that’s actually good for kids, and with the Geocaching app you can join the world’s largest treasure hunting community. Loaded with features, this app is your ultimate geocaching toolbox.

Download > Apple or Android


6. Gaia GPS

Used by pro-level backpackers and guides, the Gaia GPS app helps planning trips and staying safer in far flung wilderness. Ok, this one actually costs money, but it’s worth it for serious outdoor adventurers.

Download > Apple or Android


7. iNaturalist

iNaturalist is one of the most effective apps to identify the plants and animals around you. Your use also helps to build data for scientific research among a growing community of professional and amateur naturalists.

Download > Apple or Android


8. StarView or NightSky

Either StarView or NightSky let you find stars, constellations, manned space missions, satellites, simply by pointing your phone skyward. Either is a no brainer on cold, clear nights in the middle of nowhere.

Download > Apple (SkyView) Apple (NightSky) or Android (SkyView)


9. UVLens

UVLens-UV Index identifies times to safely enjoy the sun and those to avoid or use cover up countermeasures. It includes a personalized skin type customization tool. For those times with higher levels of UV exposure, make sure to use elite quality zinc oxide sunscreen.

Download > Apple or Android


10. WU Storm

WU Storm keeps watch on possible bad weather. Specifically for storm tracking and severe weather alerts, this app will help keep you aware of when to head away from danger and toward safety.

Download > Apple


11. Knots Art

Need to tie a bowline or a square knot? Not even sure what these are? Try Knots Art, the app that provides clear instructions with great visuals to both choose and tie the perfect knot for the right application.

Download > Apple


12. Survival Guide

This Survival Guide app, completely based on the US Military survival manual FM 21-76, is also a robust reference for non-hazardous situations. It puts survival directives in your back pocket, not only just in case, but whenever you’re looking for something cool to learn.

Download > Apple or Android


13. First Aid

Accidents happen, and First Aid by the American Red Cross can help you be prepared, putting critical emergency information and techniques at your fingertips. You can even call 9-1-1 from within the app.

Download > Apple or Android


In Closing

Ok, so go visit your app store, download these free outdoor adventure apps, and start planning your next getaway.



1. Know your ingredients — Flip over your sunscreen and read the ingredients. We want everyone to know what good ingredients are, regardless of whether they use our products or not. Your health is worth it.

2. Buy safe sunscreen — Waxhead is dedicated to using only the healthiest, safest, most effective ingredients in our sunscreens. Shop Safe Sunscreen here.

3. Teach a friend — If you know someone who might still be buying sunscreen with questionable ingredients, please share this post with him/her.


Best Zinc Oxide Sunscreen

Use Zinc Oxide Sunscreen

Uncommonly gentle, use it daily to nourish and defend sensitive skin from the sun.

Enhanced with non-GMO Vitamins D + E and made with 25% non-nano zinc oxide.






Outdoor Adventure Apps

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