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Is Waxhead Sunscreen waterproof?

Some of our products are exceptionally water-resistant, and some are relatively less water resistant. Our sport stick and field tin formulations are rated via FDA protocols for up to 80 minutes, the highest rating legally allowed. Some of our other sunscreens, namely our Vitamin Enhanced and Baby Waxhead versions, are designed to be as water-resistant, but we will not market such ratings until we have official testing results. Finally, our line of facial sunscreens, including our White SPF 32, as well as our light and dark Tinted 31 SPF versions, are not significantly water resistant, and are designed as an everyday, walking around tool.

The FDA test allows a maximum water resistance rating of 80 minutes if a formulation provides at least 80% of a product’s stated SPF after immersion in water for 1 hour. In this test, our Waxhead Sport Sticks and Field Tins provide OVER 95% of the stated SPF.

While we're here, let’s discuss the term "waterproof" as it relates to sunscreen.


Waterproof is a Banned FDA Sunscreen Term

No sunscreen stays on perfectly 100% in water over time, and so telling consumers it does is misleading. No sunscreen can be fully waterproof or sweat-proof. All products will wash off eventually.

This term used to describe sunscreens was outlawed by the FDA in 1999, since it provided consumers a false sense of security. Sunscreen manufacturers who make "waterproof" claims are violating FDA laws meant to protect consumers.


Waxhead Sunscreens significantly exceed Very Water Resistant Standards

Four of our sunscreens are officially water-resistant. Our sport stick and field tin formulations are rated via FDA protocols for water resistance up to 80 minutes, the highest legally allowed rating.

Each passed the Very Water Resistant FDA test, which demands they perform to only 80% of the marketed SPF after 80 minutes of water exposure. The stick and tin sunscreens actually perform to 95+% of the rated SPF after such exposure, so you can feel very secure it’s working even after a long surf or swim session.

Please note: Our other sunscreens have not been tested by the FDA for water resistance. Our Vitamin Enhanced and Baby Waxhead versions are both thick and long-lasting when exposed to water, but until we have them tested, we will not market them as water-resistant. Our other sunscreens are designed as "every day" sunscreens with lower water resistance levels.



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Is Waxhead Sunscreen waterproof?

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