The Learning Lab
Zinc Oxide: UV Defense
Zinc oxide is simply THE best active sunscreen ingredient, and by a wide margin. Covering the entire UVA/UVB spectrum by itself, it has the most consistently effective absorption capabilities, which never degrade. In contrast, petrochemical sunscreens need multiple active ingredients for complete coverage, which degrades quickly on the shelf, and...
6 Skincare Ingredients to Avoid while Pregnant
As a pregnant mom, you’re not only thinking about your skincare but your baby’s health. Did you know chemical sunscreen and skincare ingredients can enter your bloodstream by absorbing through your skin after topical application? A study from the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered chemical sunscreen ingredients were...
5 Safe Sunscreen Ingredients your Skin will Love
Safe Sunscreen Ingredients Coconut Oil Olive Oil Beeswax Vitamin D Zinc Oxide Most everyone worries about sunburn, and as more people become concerned about sunscreen ingredients, they’re starting to read labels on the tubes of stuff they use to protect their skin in the sun. Many sunscreens contain some...
CoQ10 Benefits for Skin
What is CoQ10? CoQ10, also known as CoEnzyme Q10 or Ubiquinone, is officially recognized as Ubidecarenone by the US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP). CoQ10 is a compound that provides energy to the body and is stored in cell mitochondria (the “engine” of cells). Found throughout the body, especially in the heart...
Rosehip Oil Skin Benefits
What is Rosehip Oil? Used by ancient Mayans, rosehip seed oil (aka rosehip oil) is made by press-extracting oil from the seeds of the wild rose bush (Rosa moschata or Rosa rubiginosa) in the southern Andes in Chile. Rosehips are the tiny, reddish-orange, seeds/fruit/berry that remain on a rose bush...
What is Oxybenzone?
Oxybenzone is the current bad guy in recent sunscreen news articles, daytime TV, and research studies and you may be asking, “But what is Oxybenzone?” Most common sunscreens are full of chemicals, which are not healthy for our skin, our bodies or the environment. Oxybenzone is a widely used ingredient...